Polarion xml importer


This chapter details operations to import data.

Import an xml file of results

Import an xml file of results (see xml_junit.xsd for the standard format) into a new or an existing test run in a project Import traceability to Workitems using their ids or their titles

import os
from polarion.xml import Config, Importer, ResultExporter

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import logging
    testrun_comment='comment to set in the test run'

        Config.XML_FILE: 'xml_file.xml',
        Config.URL: 'http://hostname/polarion',
        Config.TOKEN: 'secret_token', # can also use USERNAME and PASSWORD
        Config.PROJECT_ID: 'project_id_in_polarion',
        Config.TESTRUN_ID: 'testrun_id_in_polarion', # if not set, create a new test run
        Config.TESTRUN_COMMENT: 'comment to add in the test run' # as an option.
        Config.USE_CACHE : 'True or False (Default) use the zeep cache' # as an option


    # if want to save the test_run as json, add:
    ResultExporter.save_json("result.json", testrun)

For traceability:

<testcase name="testCase8" classname="Tests.Registration" assertions="4"
    time="1.625275" file="tests/registration.code" line="302">
    <!-- <properties> Some tools also support properties for test cases. -->
        <property name="verifies" value="REQ-001" />
        <property name="verifies" value="POLARION-ID" />
<testcase name="testCase10" classname="Tests.Registration" assertions="4">

Export a test run as json

Can export a work item (tested for a test run) in json

from polarion.xml import ResultExporter

ResultExporter.save_json('result.json', testrun)